Quick update from the diner in Plain. We are currently on day 5 of 60 on the road and just wrapped up our first trip. We biked from Ellensburg yo Trinity on Monday. Climbed Maude, South Spectacle Butte, and Seven Fingered Jack on Tuesday. High camp, then Fernow and Copper on Wednesday. Greenwood, Dumbell, Chiwawa, and Fortress on Thursday followed by the hike back to Trinity.

These are just a few photos of what we've been up to. There are so many more, but not enough time in our schedule to sort through them currently.
I'm very tired and hungry after the past few days, but we push onward. This afternoon we head up White River to climb Glacier, Clark, Luahna, and Buck in the coming days!
Trip stats ~ 150 miles, 37,400 ft elevation gain, 4 days